Mailing address: PO BOX 428 Hubbard, OR 97032


6271 Airport Way S,  Seattle WA 98108
Call Us Now! 503-982-1777
DBE/WBE Certified Business : Oregon Certification No:4914
DBE Certified Business : Washington No:D2F0028673
Licensed, insured & Bonded Operations Since 1996 

CME-55LC -Low Clearance/Easy Access - Track Rig

CME 55LC - Low Clearance/Easy Access

The CME-55LC has a unique feed and retract system and quick disconnect mast that allows you to work under service station canopies, bridges or other overhead restrictions.

The unique feed system of the CME-55LC drill provides a full 72 inch stroke without hydraulic cylinders that normally extend above the feed frame of the drill. The hydraulic feed system provides 27,615 pounds (12,526 kg) of retract force and 19,750 pounds (8,959 kg) of down pressure. The split feed slide bushings are easily replaced after normal wear intervals, and the standard upright gives you the clearance to drill with up to 10-1/4 inch inside diameter hollow stem augers.

The quick disconnect mast can be secured in its storage rack and removed from the drill by simply sliding the drill back with the hydraulic in/out slide base control. “Quick-cabling” sheaves allow you to easily move the hoist lines from the mast sheaves to the low clearance sheaves provided above the drill frame.

The CME-55LC is powered by a Cummins QSF 3.8 turbocharged diesel engine meeting tier-4 final emissions standards. Cold weather starting aid and engine protection shutdown systems are standard equipment.

The CME hydraulic rod holder/break-out wrench system makes your job quicker and safer. It not only pivots from on-hole to off-hole positions, but also hydraulically moves in and out for easy alignment with the tools. Jaws are specific to rod diameter applying even pressure and preventing damage to drill rods or casing. For efficient operation, the breakout wrench is mounted at the pivot point of the rod holder arm.

Slide base options are available for both in-out and sideways movement of the drill on the platform. Aligning the augers or rods when making connections is easy, or if the bit drifts off at an angle when starting a hole, you can quickly straighten it to a vertical position. Since the upright and optional mast are mounted directly to the drill frame, they move with the drill when the slide base is used.

CME -55LC Low Clearance/Easy Access

Capabilities include:

  • Jean Lutz Drilling Parameter Data Recording 
  • Short and Full Mast   
  • Hollow Stem Auger 4.25",6.25", 8.25"
  • Mud Rotary
  • HQ3 rock coring
  • PQ rock coring
  • T6-146 Conventional Rock Coring
  • Barge Work
  • Calibrated SPT auto hammers
  • Dennison samplers
  • Gus samplers
  • 3" mod cal samplers
  • Shelby tubes

Track Rigs  available for booking:

  • CME 55LC Track#15

Detailed CME-55LC Flyer for download

Contact for estimate:  - attach filled out form below to email

Estimate Request Form


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