Mailing address: PO BOX 428 Hubbard, OR 97032


6271 Airport Way S,  Seattle WA 98108
Call Us Now! 503-982-1777
DBE/WBE Certified Business : Oregon Certification No:4914
DBE Certified Business : Washington No:D2F0028673
Licensed, insured & Bonded Operations Since 1996 

  Committed To Providing Quality 

Geotechnical & Environmental Drilling Services

We provide service to Oregon and Washington.

 We provide outstanding customer service, offer reasonable rates, and have a variety of drill rigs to meet our client’s needs. Combined with our highly experienced and attentive drill teams and dependable equipment, we are prepared to create a new standard of efficiency, performance, and customer service.

We take pride in our work, promptly responding to estimates and scheduling requests, and we work to accommodate your drilling time frame.

For success with your next drilling project, 
Contact us at 503-982-1777
We will promptly respond to your estimating and scheduling needs

Contact for estimate: attach filled out form below to email

Western States Survey: Drilling Services Survey Form 
Please fill out and email! Looking forward to hearing from you!

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